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I am eternally grateful to the almighty God, for abundant grace, mercies and privilege given to me as the 34 and 2nd female President of this prestigious club.

RTN Adekemi O. Akinpelu
Synergy President (2022-2023)


To say that my tenure was a highly tasking one that excessively demanded my fulltime attention, talents and treasures is an understatement; but I thank everyone who supported me in one way or the other to make the various assigned tasks lighter and less burdensome. With the abundant grace from God, the support my synergy board members and the propelling force of influence from the league of past presidents, I was able to overcome all huddles and successfully paddled the boat of this club to a glorious destination.
The Imagine Rotary year 2022-2023 was quite daunting and interesting one, it requires our ability to imagine and bring diversity, equity and inclusion dreams towards making our community a better place through synergy efforts.

The journey began precisely July 1, 2022 with an official handing over by RTN Francis Ijidale (the serve to change life) at the public investiture on July 2 , 2022.


Rotary Ibadan


7 areas of focus and avenues of service defined in monthly themes:

1. July: No Special Destination

2. August: Membership & New Club Development
3. September: Basic Education
4. October: Community Economic Development
5. November: Rotary Foundation
6. December: Disease Prevention & Treatment
7. January: Vocational Month
8. February: Peacebuilding & Conflict Prevention
9. March: Water Sanitation & Hygiene
10. April: Maternal & Child Health
11. May: Youth Fellowship
12. June: Rotary Fellowship



Members as at 1 July 2022 was 35

Members as at 1 January 2023 was 48

Members Inducted 9, while others were re-instated

Members as at 24 June 2023 is 57

A satellite club (ROTARY SATELLITE CLUB OF IYAGANKU-IBADAN LEAD) with 11 Members was chartered with the efforts of the club advisor and membership chair in mentoring the new Rotarians and guests at Lead City proposed club area. They hold their fellowship every Thursday @ 3:00pm, at Joybam Event Centre, Orita Challenge, Ibadan.



ELDERTECH project- a 10week long capacity building on phone ethics and use optimization was conducted in partnership with Airtel, MTN & CLUBKONNECT telecommunication industry. the
elderly was immensely grateful and a media club was formed.



Branded Polio umbrella was donated to road side hawkers/ marketers, 1 unit grinding machine was donated to a polio survivor in addition to cash and bag of rice for daily sales to take her away from road begging for alms.

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Hepatitis B vaccine, Sickle Cell Nugget, Genotype/Blood group screening; the in-school and community based were educated on knowing their Blood Genotype and Blood Group through health talk followed by screening exercise. The project aimed at reducing the prevalence of sickle-cell anaemia that can result from wrong partners matching up together as parents in marriage due to inadequate knowledge of their Blood Genotype before tying the nuptial knout.

There were three episodes of blood donation on 3 occasions (in- school September, National Blood Donor Day December 8 & World Blood Donor Day June 14,2023).

Our adopted primary health care center received 50 units of polio vaccination branded aprons.



This singular activity was intentionally held back till handing over to allow the synergy board access and reviewed profiles of a handful eminent personalities. Thus 10 reputable personnels were recognized and awarded for their exemplary and selfless contributions to support service of humanity.

P E A C E B U I L D I N G & C O N F L I C T

PREVENTION: Sexual health awareness sensitization (shas) training was conducted for tertiary student in-school adolescent over a 2 weeks capacity building to encourage peaceful co-existence among the adolescent.



10 units of GEEPEE motorized waste bin were donated to a tertiary institution in Ibadan (Lead City University, Ibadan).

MATERNAL & CHILD HEALTH: Annual Children Dental Mission was conducted in collaboration with Rotary Club Of Darwen, England in December 2022 with the theme: “that they may have beautiful set of teeth”. A total of 198 children accessed professional dental consultation during the 2-day mission. The parents and children acknowledged the treatments received during the dental outreach. A weekly radio program ilera l’oro (LeadRadio 89.1FM) every Wednesday for 4 weeks, blood donation to support women going through caesarian, section delivery.

Also, Nike Oye 2Foundation program engaged teenagers on alternate pad for menstruation by a skilled NGO. it was a one-week capacity building orientation program with both radio and physical meetings on awareness and screening of breast cancer.


Series of tree planting cycles were conducted in addition to branding waste bin for the club’s youth center.



Community medical outreach was conducted for our adopted community Adabeji: some of the services provided were eye outreach from university college hospital staff members proffered healthcare intervention for those who need glasses, eye medications, conducted 3 cataract surgery. dental care was also provided to people across all ages and health talk made for the adolescent to reduce the severity of sickle cell anemia.

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Furthermore, general health assessment, retroviral test, blood pressure check, malaria parasite test as well as treatment for common ailment and non- communicable diseases were carried out during the medical outreach activities for the year which took place at the Rotary youth centre sequel to youth unrest activities at the
proposed Adabeji community. in attendance were the community members and the Baale of Oluyole Estate Covering the Adabeji community and its environs. we refurbished the rotary signage at Adabeji.



This was our star project for the year, the ideal was conceived by past president Felix Ibe the forerunner, I served as the club secretary that rotary year. the project foundation and roofing by past president Akin Moronkeji whom I also served under his administration as secretary, pp Simon Awotoye plastered, fenced, fixed gate, the change maker president RTN Francis Ijidale whose administration I served as vice president painted, installed electrical fittings, plumbing works and commissioned.

This administration swung into action by looking inward to improve our rotary youth center: we procure 5 dozen of plates, cups, spoons, fork, soup bowl and 2 big baskets to keep them. also, we got (tye & die) adire fabric for our windows and table covers to give the club house and African unique look. A carton of tea and beverages of various types to ensure meeting hold at least over a beverage drink. imagine rotary year planted trees around the club house, constructed a mini library and paid one million (1M) from the club house debt of four million (4M) thus reducing the
club’s debt to three million (3M). the legal fee N124,000 generated from rent from the previous rotary year was also paid. the Panthers unit indebtedness of N128,000 will be rolled over for the new administration to secure.



We attended all district functions in large numbers during the rotary year District activities: the club had a good
representation in all district events; district conference (DISCON) was held in Abuja and 15 registered and 8 attended as well as one Iyaganku-Ibadan Lead satellite club member. Vibrant club Seminar held at Ilorin; DG Investiture & Zone 1 half-year retreat held at Akure.

PETS/DTA/DTTA in Kano 6 members of this club in attendance on invitation as incoming district officers.



Rotaract club of moor plantation and Iyaganku community based remained active. the Rotaract club was able to made a signage to give the club due recognition and publicity through a gift donation by absolute travel & tours (UFITFLY) during the youth service month.

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Our club had an out of club meeting venue/outdoor joint fellowship at Agodi garden with RC Ibadan Bodija Estate being the only Saturday rotary club in Ibadan, on June 3 2023, over 34 Rotarians attended alongside 5 other rotary clubs, Rotarians from Ibadan. The program also gained a member into rotary international.



The program achieved family bonding by bringing Rotarians and their family members together at the president’s house. There was enough to eat and drink as well as educative activities for both the children and rotary ann. lots
of gifts was awarded for best performances for different age groups.


Rotary Wine Appreciation Fellowship (RWAF) retreat program held at Kigali for 7 days was attended by 2 members of the club.

Rotary Friendship Exchange (RFE) Kenya: the synergy president on self-sponsored attended the synergy year Rotary Friendship Exchange between district 9125 & district 9212 Kenya. There was a touch of visit to Nairobi, Mombasa, Voi Safari, Diani where we held rotary fellowships and proposed exchange of projects. exchange return visit was scheduled for November, 2023 to (Abuja) district 9125.



First Almighty God the giver of life, let me also appreciate my family members and my darling husband for his immense support throughout the imagine Rotary year, I sincerely appreciate his forbearance and peace and cooperation from my entire family members without which I may not have been able to give my best to the service of humanity as a Rotarian. Glory be to almighty god, that this has happened in my year and in my lifetime.

I also like to appreciate all the members of Rotary club of Iyaganku- Ibadan for their supports and commitments that enhance club sustenance.

In conclusion, the year was quite a challenging one, 4 board members relocated (Japa syndrome) we wish them a happy stay and fulfilled vision. Howbeit, we were still able to deliver an impactful Rotary year with the support of the entire club members this is well appreciated.

The 12month calendar just roll by, ‘yippee’ and one year task is over already wow. it is with great pleasure I handover the affairs of this club to RTN Dayo Famoyegun who assumed the seat of power earlier than he would have imagined. I am hereby soliciting for your maximum cooperation for my successor let us together CREATE HOPE in the

Yours in service to humanity
RTN Adekemi O. Akinpelu
Synergy President (2022-2023)
