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History pages are reserved significantly for people who exhibit unlimited courage in the face of adversity.  While it is true that the bookmakers often celebrate dogged fighters with a dash of brio to face every human tempest unshaken,  quite a few neophytes dont grasp the idea of what maketh a “prudent steady man” who in the estimation of the Roman scholar  Anicius Manlius Boethius , “will never allow uncertain fortune control his life”.  

Boethius who was thrown into prison by King Theodoric on trumped up charges later wrote a book that is regarded as the much important philosophical poetry on the essence of human happiness and how it can be achieved in the midst of suffering and disappointment in the late Middle Ages.

This brings to mind the recent travails of Senator Abubakar Bukola saraki, a man that fits snugly into the description of Boethius “prudent steady man “in the hands of those who consider him very nocent and deserving to be flaggellated for daring to challenge their rogue elephants.   They are determined, as their actions and gestures have revealed,  to spare nothing to spring up the Senate president, as a just dessert for his “exceptionable behavior “

Since there is no position without a supposition, it is rational to unmask what has made the ebullient Senate president a soft target of his monstrous  traducers in a political power struggle.  The reasons are both mental and fundamental.  They obviously want him impaled not for what he has done or left undone but for what he is -“a dogged fighter with a restless energy “


It bears emphasis that Senator Bukola Saraki has not only proven to be a hard hickory nut to crack for his political adversaries,  he has demonstrated that men of valour who desire a place immuned from blasting winds and dangerous waves can still dare to move near the high mountain peaks.  He has practically confirmed the verity in the old maxim that “Great men don’t tamp down their fears ,they confront them”.

The serious offence of Bukola saraki lies in his insuperable will to convey his courage to the outrage mongers without a flinch . To them,  only a carapace, not man should posses that rare impenetrable status.

Any discerning mind will see without seeking help from a Seer that Bukola Saraki’ is  salvaged and viliffied simply put for  having the qualities the enemies lack.  This quality that is encapsulated in the idea of a free man who in the words of K R Popper has an” unbending spirit which can not be subdued”.”A man who is free because he is self -sufficient, who is not in need of constraint because he is able to rule himself and to accept freely the rule of law”. That’s what’s is sticking in the craw of those who are hellbent on  putting a tender on the man who many Nigerians have accepted as the elixir of hope for a better morrow.

Let’s hatchback to the starting point. Why must Saraki locked himself in a desire to become a Senate president where a softie who can always kowtow to the executive dictate could have been more fitted?

Therefore, for taking up his stand to be  the central fulcrum and not a mere vane in the arrow,  the aggressors ran pell-mell to truncate Senator Bukola Saraki ‘s dream to occupy the number one position in the Senate.   But ,as a man who is trained to prepare himself for “unwanted consequences”, the ever calculating SP is always some miles ahead others.  When that plots to unseat him scattered like a pack of dominoes , they took a new option of roping him within the vortex of law.

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They cartwheeled him into the Code of conduct tribunal, yet he was after months of fuming and squawking acquitted as having no case to answer.  They tried other ways to denigrate his person and position, but “Oloye ” has built a will taller than any pernicious manipulations of the detractors.

He is a not a sappling to be bent to gratify anybody’s fancy, he is  what the Yoruba elders call “Igi Olu gbin” – a divinely planted tree that can’t be uprooted

Apparently, the last straw that broke his enemies back was his open declaration to run for the president under the People’s Democratic Party( PDP) . Barely sensing his next political calculus, the disgruntled started getting ready for the final battle.

Having known how tough his  will to power is,they are now poised to checkmate his moves at all cost using the major tool in their toolboxes – “blackmail “. Unfortunately for them, most Nigerians are not as unwiting  as they think and  are not oblivious to their cheap blackmail as people can easily fathom without any further proof, who the nation,’s true enemies are.

And the visceral reaction of teeming Nigerians is “whoever fights Saraki,  is fighting every strand of democratic virtues that he  embodies.


By: Isiaka Kehinde
