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In reacting to an archaic conditions set forth for Oyo State aspirants coming 2019 as they stand now by a poser recently, it should then be noted that, Oyo State has moved beyond politics of pettiness and false ground where empty rhetorics and politics of husk is been played. Contesting an election should be a fulfilment of social dream of making positive impact. As Isiaka Kehinde quoting the great Philosopher Aristotle, asserts that, “a state exist for the sake of common good.”

It is of necessary then to set back those orthodox conditions as it looks like squirming some visionary, young and talented fresh brain entering the political sphere of the state, and even aiming to lower our sense of reasoning and value in this modern society. We could imagine an item in that obscured conditions by a poser; ‘if you’ve never been arrested and detained by military government, please carry your load…………’
Does that not downgrading our sense of value, reasoning and dignity as a true citizen of this country.? And some others not worth giving consideration to.

Though emphasis should not be placed on that said not-worth reading conditions as it failed to agree with the reality of the society through which the conditions was set. And failed to align with the mutual exhaustiveness and exclusiveness of classifying a conditions or criteria in political system, even if it is a go by.

Instead of demoralizing our sense of value on that obscure conditions set forth, we should rather concentrate on looking for someone that;


➖Can further raise the bar of good and modern governance;

➖ Can make our economic viable and attractive;

➖ Understand how industrialisation can help our economic development and modern society positively;

➖ Can reflect the needs and wish of the masses;

➖Can show seriousness and good political will;

➖Can globalized our political system in the state as we always set the pace;

➖Understand the important of social welfare as a panacea to achieve social peace and order;

➖Have a rich political education that reflects the reality of the society;

➖Will be turning our resources into capital for the benefit of all;

➖Can make peace a realistic one for the enjoyment of serene and peaceful atmosphere;

➖That will make use of human resources blessed with the state, to advance our modern democracy for the benefit of all;

➖Understand that education is the foundation of freedom, and invest in it, is to have a virile and viable human resources;

➖Will make our agricultural sector work and in turn augment our IGR, for the useful and benefit of all;

➖Will make our civil service works for what they were established for;

➖Will make the youthful world proud of their youthfulness;

➖Will continuing the transformation, sustainability and securing society ongoing;

➖Value life and well being of the masses and thus take proper care of our health sector;

➖Have a very rich administrative skills and versatile in managing human and material resources;

➖Will network our roads to an economic advantages of the masses irrespective of the location;

➖Will create an enabling business environment that will help reducing unemployment and underemployment in our state through agro-allied and industrial projects and policy;

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➖Will be accountable and transparent.

And considering the above conditions/criteria, government won’t be for rabble rouser but serious minded citizens.

Note as well that, the above conditions are not totally exhaustively and exclusively agreed mutually with the existing system in our dear state but it would set forth a standard for other intending writers in that regards.

God Bless Oyo State.-

Complied by:

Akintunde Yusuf Akinloye
